Pre-paid Independent Used Pad Analysis (for use with a single BodyPure Detox Foot Pad). Simply send a used pad in the included pre-posted envelope, and find out what is coming out on your pads (results by by e-mail, fax or post). Panel includes (the presence of, not quantity) of 15 common toxins:
BPA's, Aluminum, Benzene, Isopropyl Alcohol, Copper, Mercury, Arsenic, Methyl alcohol, Cadmium, Lead, Asbestos, Nickel, Thallium, Thulium, Dyes
The CTS Used Pad Analysis (tested at an independent site) are a useful tool to determine the presence of toxins in the detox foot pads (after use). Syncrometer testing has been used for a long time, especially since it is such an affordable procedure - allowing for it's wide availability to our customers.
Reviewed by
Dr. Daniel Vinograd, D.D.S, N.M.D. on
August 13 .